Digital Marketing & Business

404 pages in GA4 – Find, Analyse, Monitor and Fix

Within Google Analytics 4, accessing information about 404 pages is straightforward. You’ll need to generate an exploration report for a comprehensive analysis of the internet’s most well-known error. However, it’s important to note that not all 404 errors merit your attention, as not everything that appears as “not found” is genuinely lost. Key takeaways A …

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5 Effective Ways Marketing Strategy Will Set You Free

In this article, we’re going to explore five ways strategic marketing can set you free. We’re going to show you how to stop reacting and start planning. How to stop chasing and start leading. How to start your own marketing revolution. 
The post 5 Ways Marketing Strategy Will Set You Free appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

6 tips to get more traffic to your Shopify store with SEO

Your Shopify store is live and operational, and the next step is to invite traffic with open arms! Imagine rolling out the virtual red carpet, enticing customers to explore the digital aisles of your platform. Sounds simple. Yet, acquiring substantial traffic remains one of the most challenging aspects of managing an online store. The good …

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What is a Tracking Pixel and How does it works? – Complete Guide 2024

In the world of digital marketing, you've probably heard the terms "tracking pixel" or simply "pixel" thrown around without much explanation. So, let's break it down from the beginning. While you might not recognise a tracking pixel, it has likely popped up on your screen before. These little elements help companies gather useful marketing info ...

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