Website Design Blog

20 Best New Websites, September 2022

This month we’re seeing websites that are very conscious of the design trends they’re following. Designers are making conscious choices to adopt styles, and opting out when it doesn’t suit the site. What we end up with is a crop of sophisticated, well-designed websites that use style as a technique to further their aims. Here ...

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How to Start a Web Design Agency in 28 Days: Week Three

Two weeks ago, you started a web design agency. Last week you began to define your agency by choosing clients, setting red lines, and writing your elevator pitch. This week, we will implement some practical solutions before problems occur. Remember one task per day; it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Day Fifteen: Terms of Service ...

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How to Design an MVP Web Page

Learning how to design an MVP webpage or website could be one of the best things you can do as a site creator in today’s digital world. In a fast-paced landscape, where customer preferences and technology are constantly changing, most companies don’t have time to dedicate months or years to each web project. The longer ...

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15 Inspiring Alternatives to Dribbble & Behance

Web design is often stagnant because designers look at the same work and follow the same trends. Unfortunately, algorithms promote work that is liked, and designers produce content to get likes, which leads to a self-feeding cycle. We’ve been talking about the dribbblization of design for years, but Behance is just as guilty of promoting ...

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How to Measure Live Chat Performance

Live chat is one of the most powerful tools for customer experience in the current marketplace. In a world where customers are constantly connected to the online world, online chat is a reliable way of getting quick solutions to common problems. Today’s consumers prefer talking to an agent over chat to calling a contact center, ...

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How to Start a Web Design Agency in 28 Days: Week Two

Last week, you started a web design agency. This week we’ll help you take the next steps toward making your agency viable. The first couple of days were spent on legal checks and taxes. After that, you’ve picked a niche to specialize in, an awesome name, worked out how much you’re going to charge, and ...

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15 Best New Fonts, Aug 2022

There’s nothing like a new font or two to breathe new life into your designs. And so, every month, we put together this collection of the fonts that have caught our eye in the past few weeks. This month we’ve got traditional slab-serifs, some original scripts, a couple of workhorses, and plenty of characterful display …

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Quiz: The Super-Difficult Website Speed Quiz

Users expect websites to load quickly. As a result, companies like Amazon and Target spend millions of dollars optimizing their sites to make them load as fast as possible because there is a direct correlation between site speed and conversions. Websites typically don’t have load bars, so a user waiting for a site to load …

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10 Great Places to Find Music for Videos

Creating videos for social media or to embed on your site can be a fun and creative way to promote your brand or business. More importantly, time spent on a page is a significant SEO ranking factor, so providing a video to watch is of enormous benefit. However, coming up with the music for your …

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