4 Types of Offers That Can Instantly Increase Revenue

There are four types of Offers every company should have at a minimum. Four different offers at four different price points.1) Free Community with Highly Desirable Free Content (Education) 2) Core Offer (DIY) 3) Upsell (DWY) 4) Upsell (DFY).
The post 4 Types of Offers That Can Instantly Increase Revenue appeared first on DigitalMarketer.

Induction Systems

What is an induction portal and does my business need one? If you spend 5 minutes with the SMP team you will see that we get super excited talking about induction portals. They’re an amazing timesaver for many businesses who are looking for ways to streamline day-to-day processes such as employee inductions, human resources including ...

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Digital Marketing Executive

We are currently not looking for a Digital Marketing Executive to join the team, However we are always on the look out for a SUPERSTAR. It’s all about the people! The people we work with and the people we do work for. Searching for a new challenge in 2022? Strategic Media Partners is hiring a ...

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10 Tips for Effective UX Writing

Many people believe that UX design is all about creating slick, engaging images and top-notch user flows. While those things have their merits, UX designers do much more than that. UX writing is an essential skill in developing an app or solving a UX problem for a client. UX writing is when we craft UI …

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The UX of Maps in Web Design

Maps are a fascinating method for delivering content. At their best, they can create an intuitive way of presenting information and interacting with it. This is the advantage that digital maps, through mobile apps and websites, have over print maps and images where no interactivity is possible. But it’s important to understand that more data …

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15 Best New Fonts, January 2022

With a new year here, it’s time to try out some new fonts. Whether you’re designing a brand new website or redesigning an existing one, the following list of fonts has you covered. In addition to the dependable serifs and sans serifs we use to create attractive and readable content, this roundup also has some …

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Mind Mapping – Creating Business Goals for 2022

Setting business goals for the next year Mind Mapping! Have you heard of it? It’s perfect for brainstorming alone or together as a group activity AND for keeping a record of ideas for the future. So what is mind mapping? Wayyy back in the 1970s the term was coined by Tony Buzan but apparently the …

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50 Best Websites of 2021

2021 has been both memorable and instantly forgettable. Pop stars were freed from modern-day servitude, some people tried to overthrow democracy, and we all vacationed at home. Despite the weirdness of the times, the web kept growing, kept changing, and kept on pushing boundaries. We saw a wealth of new sites launch or relaunch with …

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Designing Human-Machine Interfaces For Vehicles Of The Future

  Designing Human-Machine Interfaces For Vehicles Of The Future Nick Babich & Gleb Kuznetsov A human-machine interface (HMI) is an interface that allows us to interact with a digital system. No matter what HMI we design, we need to allow users to take advantage of all that a system has to offer. For almost two …

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Strategic Media Partners Mackay Queensland Australia - Digital Marketing Graphic Website Design and Development
36 Wellington St, Mackay QLD 4740

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