Rebase vs Merge: Integrating Changes in Git

This article is part of our “Advanced Git” series. Be sure to follow us on Twitter or sign up for our newsletter to hear about the next articles! Most developers understand that it’s important to use branches in Git. In fact, I’ve written an entire article on branching strategies in Git, explaining Git’s powerful branching …

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3 Essential Design Trends, November 2021

As the year begins to wind down, there are still plenty of new and evolving website design trends going strong. Much of what you’ll see this month carries over from things we’ve been seeing all year but with fresh touches. From peek-a-boo designs with neat animated elements to vertical bars to brutalist blocks, there are …

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CSS-ing Candy Ghost Buttons

Recently, while looking for some ideas on what to code as I have zero artistic sense so the only thing I can do is find pretty things that other people have come up with and remake them with clean and compact code… I came across these candy ghost buttons! They seemed like the perfect choice …

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Okhsv and Okhsl

There is an old Russian fable where Okhsv and Okhsl are on a rowboat and Okhsv says to Okhsl, “What are the known shortcomings of HSL and HSV colour pickers in design applications?” I kid, I kid. But really, what are they?   Björn Ottosson shows the two classics: Despite color picking playing a big …

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Mackay Marina Run

The BMA Mackay Marina Run, as a signature event on the Mackay Roadrunners calendar

Chances Cafe

A local Mackay charity, Chances Cafe is an awesome initiative employing and supporting people experiencing homelessness.

River 2 Reef Ride

Strategic Media Partners has been involved with the River 2 Reef Ride since its inception in 2011

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Strategic Media Partners Mackay Queensland Australia - Digital Marketing Graphic Website Design and Development
36 Wellington St, Mackay QLD 4740

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